
I recently had the privilege to be interviewed by Savio P. Clemente at Authority Magazine, for his series entitled Taking the Leap: How to Learn to Believe in Yourself.

In the series he interviews people from various disciplines and industries about why it’s important to believe in yourself and how you can get better at it. 

I’m really happy with the article and I am excited to share it with y’all. And at the same time, this interview feels a little uncomfortable to share, for a couple reasons: 1) I was asked to talk about more personal info than I usually share in an online professional capacity, and 2) I still have bouts when I struggle with believing in myself! And I suppose we all will, until the day we die. For example, I just last night (on Netflix) saw Oprah telling Michelle Obama she’d questioned, momentarily, if she’d do a good job interviewing her. So yeah. If Oprah still struggles, I don’t think that struggle is going anywhere for me. 

Anyway, I do think there’s some good stuff in this interview about believing in ourselves, even when it feels hard. I hope you find it helpful. I recommend saving it for a tough day when you most need it. That’s what I’m going to do.