How To Find A Therapist

So you want to see a therapist. But how do you find the right one? Where do you even start with that? If you have health insurance coverage, you can go to your insurance website and get a list of names, but that tells you little-to-nothing about the actual therapists themselves. How do you know…

How to Learn to Believe in Yourself

I recently had the privilege to be interviewed by Savio P. Clemente at Authority Magazine, for his series entitled Taking the Leap: How to Learn to Believe in Yourself. In the series he interviews people from various disciplines and industries about why it’s important to believe in yourself and how you can get better at…

One In Four.

CW: abortion ”Why should I care if my therapist is identified as secular? Don’t all therapists have to be unbiased with their clients?” This is a reasonable question. Psychotherapists do try to be unbiased about a great number of things, but we are also human beings. As licensed professionals, we are ethically obligated to, as…

How to Overcome Perfectionism

Do you struggle with feeling like nothing you do is ever quite good enough? Do you find that doing something 99% correct still feels like a failure? If so, you might be a perfectionist, and you are not alone. The good news is that we can challenge that tendency in a variety of ways, and…